Jillian Neal
Gypsy Heat
Release Date: 8/25/2015
Nadya Montgomery was Gypsy Beach’s own personal wild child. There was nothing she
wouldn’t do, especially when it came to Grady Havens. Until disaster struck and tore them
apart. Desperate to protect Grady, she ran away from everything and everyone she’d ever
known. Fourteen years later, Nadya returns to the beach to try to rebuild some semblance of her life
out of her ex-husband’s shadow, but that means returning to her past and seeing Grady Havens
again. Now a charter boat captain constantly trying to put his past behind him, Grady doesn’t know
what to make of Nadya’s return. All he knows is she was always meant to be his, and he intends
to make his claim. He wants her back in his life and most certainly back in his bed.
When his entire family is threatened, he’s caught between rekindling his relationship with
Nadya and protecting what belongs to him.
Together they try to rebuild what always should have been, but their pasts are determined to
keep them ensnared. As passions ignite between them, they realize that even Grady may not be
able to keep her safe this time.
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Amazon - http://amzn.to/1P71f8P
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All Romance - https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-gypsyheat-1872740-149.html
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“What the hell is wrong with you?” Grady huffed as he studied his youngest brother. Beau had
been twitchy since he’d entered the new boathouse. He looked like a wary bass circling a hook
debating its fate.
“Nothing.” He bristled and fidgeted with the boat keys in his hand. Grady and Nate had been
trying to sort through the old fishing boxes of contracts, receipts, licenses, and paystubs at
night now that they had an actual office to hold it all.
Nate rolled his eyes. “You know he’s not gonna let it go. Whatever it is just spill it.” He thumbed
through a stack of old contracts before tossing them into the trash.
Very conveniently, Beau checked his watch. “I gotta get out of here.”
Moving nothing more than his overly-muscled arm, Grady caught the back of Beau’s shirt and
prevented him from escaping.
“What the hell is going on with you?”
“She asked me not to say anything … but I kind of think you should know. Maybe?” Beau made
a partial confession.Grady’s brow furrowed, and he released his little brother. “Who asked you not to say anything?”
His head dropped, and Grady barely made out the word, “Nadya.”
Nate dropped the paperwork in his hand. The entire world seemed to stop spinning at that
moment. Grady was unable to make any audible sound. He was stunned.
“You saw Nadya? Like Grady’s Nadya?” Nate beat him to the punch.
“Yeah,” Beau sighed. “She was at the coffee shop. Said she was gonna be here for a few weeks,
and …”
“And what?” Grady managed to grunt. His heart felt like some kind of deranged pinball
ricocheting from his throat, to his ribcage, to his gut in a nauseating cadence. It rang in his ears.
3 1/2
I have always been fascinated about Gypsies and their culture.
That being said when I saw that there was a chance to review this book I took it.
This book it was OK for me. I rated it 3 1/2 because there were some life wisdom's to learn.
Nadya ran back home after a horrible marriage and what seemed like every choice she made was the wrong one. When she got home things looked the same but felt different. That is what 14 yrs of being away will do.
Grady was and his her true love. He is one of the many things Nadya left behind. When Grady heard she was back in town, he wasn't sure if he was ready to see her. The night of the Full Moon fire they both had no choice but to jump right back to where they had left off all those 14 yrs ago.
What get's me is, Grady had a hard time letting Nadya pay for anything. Yes men do that but I mean you need help let her help. He didn't grasp that his brother's were grown and really didn't need to listen to him.
I was a little disappointed though. You didn't read about their way of life really. Well you read about their current work, how they make a living. Or should I say how they became Gypsies. I would have liked to see more of how they grew up. Yes there are times where Nadya and Grady will mention they were poor, and they went hungry, how their parents were off working most the time or they were just never there. If I go by what we see on TV which I am kind of, it doesn't seem to fit.
There were times where it was so slow for me that I was skimming every other sentence. Sorry to admit that but it is true. Then Grady, Nadya always repeated what they went through. I get that you want the reader to know what happened but it was a little to much.
Plus I felt out of the loop. I didn't read Gypsy Beach. It didn't say anywhere that you had to read Gypsy Beach before reading Gypsy Heat. However I would do so.
About Jillian Neal:
Jillian Neal is a Romance author that manages to blend her imagination, Southern sass, and
loving heart in every novel she pens. She showed her talent for weaving intricate plot lines and
showcasing dynamic characters in her seven-book, urban fantasy, series, The Gifted Realm. Her
skillset continues to shine in her contemporary series, Gypsy Beach, which will leave you with a
longing to pack your bags and move to a tiny beach town full of bohemian charm.
She lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and their children.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JillianNealAuth
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jilliannealauthor
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7142355.Jillian_Neal
About the Gypsy Beach Series:
Book #1
Gypsy Beach
Single father Ryan McNamara returns to the only place he'd ever been happy,
Gypsy Beach. This time he's divorced, broken, but determined to make something
of his life. Sienna Cooper is determined to forget Ryan, the last decade, and all of
the hurt he'd left her with. She's got enough spunk and gypsy fire in her soul to
make this work. She's going to run her grandmother's inn and make it a success.
But when a chance encounter throws them back together, the passions ignite and
the past doesn't feel so far out of reach. Can they rekindle the love they'd once
had? Can he convince her that he never intends to walk away again? Will a potent
dose of unending lust, a lifetime of love, and enough hot-blooded Gypsy spirit be
enough to save them both?
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1NaGFTF
Book #2:
Gypsy Love
Arley Copeland vows never to trust anyone, much less a man, ever again. After her fledgling
career as a romance writer grinds to a halt and her ex blabs to the press about her preferences in
bed, she heads to Gypsy Beach, desperate to regain some anonymity and maybe figure out what
to do next.
Divorce attorney John Rowan has been in on the explosive end of more marriages than he can
count. Love never lasts. Of that he's certain. Sick of barely existing inside the concrete jungle of
Atlanta with the endless traffic and endless noise he heads towards a two-week reprieve in
Gypsy Beach, North Carolina. From the moment he lays eyes on Arley Copeland, John is determined to prove that not every
guy on the planet is out to hurt her, and maybe teach her a thing or two about herself in his bed
and out. With every sinfully sweet caress, they're falling more and more in love. Their pasts may
be fading away, but will John ever be prepared to risk it all on a lifetime love when he doesn't
believe such a thing could ever exist?
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1P72xAB
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gypsy-love-jillian-neal/1122284190?ean=2940151199902#productInfoTabs
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