New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake is back with an all-new heartwarming, small-town contemporary romance series set against the spicy southern backdrop of Louisiana's Butterfly Bayou.

Read this small town, single dad romance with all the feels today!
Life in Dallas took a tragic turn for nurse practitioner Lila Daley. In need of a fresh start, she retreats to Papillon, Louisiana, a tiny town on the bayou. Sure she's greeted by a gator, finds herself in the middle of golf cart wars, and unwittingly adopts a scruffy dog, but Lila remains undaunted. She's focused on running the town's medical clinic, but fitting into the quirky community is harder than she imagined.
As a single dad, Sheriff Armie LaVigne embraces routine. But there is nothing routine about the town's newest resident. Lila is a gorgeous fish out of water and he’s ready to catch her. In fact, in no time at all, Armie knows Lila is the woman for him and he plans to win her heart. But when the past threatens their happiness, Armie will have to decide if he has the courage to trust Lila enough to find a true happily ever after.

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What was the speed limit? It had been seventy earlier. He was pulling her over for going five miles over the limit?
With a long sigh, Lila maneuvered to the side of the road and put the car in park. Surely she could talk her way out of this. Small-town cops liked to ticket out-of-towners, and her car still had Texas plates. She would explain that she was a new resident and he could go back to his donut eating and preying on tourists.
She glanced in her side mirror. He was taking his time. Probably thought he could intimidate her. Well, he was in for a surprise. She’d worked with cops all her life. She could absolutely handle some paunchy small-town deputy who likely had taken the job because there wasn’t anything better to do.
The door to his SUV opened and then she was staring for a different reason.
A large man with intensely broad shoulders stepped out of the vehicle. He reached back in and brought out a hat that he settled on ridiculously dark hair that had more curl to it than she’d seen on a cop. DPD tended to keep it high and tight, but this man might be able to pull his back in a ponytail. No. That wasn’t the word. A queue. Despite the long hair, there was absolutely nothing feminine about the man walking her way. Swaggering.
He was probably six foot four, and if there was an ounce of paunch on that man, she couldn’t see it.
He was the man from Lisa’s wedding, the one who had slid her that sensual smile.
She shook her head and forced herself to focus. He wasn’t her type. She liked academic types. Nice men who were nonthreatening.
Boring. That’s the word you’re looking for. Boring and easily controlled so you can pretend that they can’t hurt you. How’d that work out for us?
A hard tap on her driver’s-side window brought her out of her inner monologue and she lowered the window. He wore mirrored aviators that covered his eyes. His jawline was sharp as a razor and there was a hint of sexy scruff coming in across his face.
Lord, the man was hot.
“License and registration, please.” His tone, however, was cold as ice.
It was the chill in his voice that allowed her to find her footing again. The man in front of her probably had twenty women dangling on his string, and a wife and kids at home, too. No man that hot didn’t. She could handle him. “Would you like to explain why you’ve pulled me over, Officer?”
He stepped back and for a moment she could have sworn he was surprised, but then she was sure almost no one would question this man’s authority. He recovered quickly, his hands going to those lean hips of his. “You were speeding. The speed limit on this part of the highway is forty-five. I clocked you going thirty miles over the speed limit. License and registration.”
“The speed limit went from seventy to forty-five? Are you kidding me?”
His lips curled up in a slightly crooked, wholly devastating smile. “That’s what speed limits do, ma’am. They go up. They go down. You look familiar. Have you been through town before?”
She wasn’t falling for his charm. Maybe invoking her brother-in-law’s name would work some magic on him. “I’m Lila Daley. Remy Guidry is my brother-in-law.”
That smile went flat, his whole body going back into cop mode. “The last time someone came into town looking for Remy, I got shot. You planning on shooting up the town?”
She winced inwardly. She remembered Lisa saying something about an incident that had led to a police officer being shot in the line of duty. “Sorry about that. No. I’m taking over the clinic in town. I’m your friendly neighborhood nurse practitioner. Next time you get shot, I will totally sew you up.”
He stared at her and she wished she could see his eyes. “You’re taking over for Doc Hamet?”
How to explain? “Sort of. I’m going to run the clinic, but he kind of supervises.” A handful of states let nurse practitioners handle their own practices, but Louisiana wasn’t one of them. Neither was Texas. She would have an enormous amount of freedom, but it would be in conjunction with the doctor who had served the parish for over forty years.
She intended to learn a lot from him.
“So you’re his new nurse,” the cop said. “I didn’t know he’d fired the old one.”
“No. I’m a nurse practitioner. I’m like a general practitioner, but I can’t prescribe certain controlled substances. I can perform some surgeries. I spent over a decade working as a trauma RN before I finished getting my NP. I assure you I can handle the parish’s medical needs.”
“I don’t think you understand the parish, but I’m willing to help out. You have to be better than the doc we have now. You have to catch the man early or not at all, if you know what I mean.”
She gave him what she hoped was a friendly smile. “All right, then. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I’ll be on myway. I was hoping to get everything in the new house before it gets dark.”
“License and registration.”
She gritted her teeth and reached for her purse. “The only reason I sped up was to get away from that freaking alligator.” A thought occurred to her as she opened the Chanel wallet her brother had given her for Christmas. “Did you put that alligator out there as part of your speed trap?”
The sunglasses came off and she was staring into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. Well, she’d seen them before, but not up close. They were even more devastating up close. “Did you accuse me of colluding with a reptile?”
His laughter seemed to fill her whole world. When that man lit up so did the sky around him. He doubled over, his laughter infectious. When he finally took a breath there was a chuckle in his words. “Oh, that is absolutely the best joke I’ve heard all day. Your sister never mentioned your sense of humor.”
Probably because Lisa didn’t think she had one. “Well, I’m known for my quick wit.”
He stared at her for a moment and she could feel the connection. It was like an invisible tether drawing her to him. She’d been right to run the first time she’d seen him. Something deep inside had told her she wasn’t capable of handling this man.
Didn’t want to handle a man like him, she mentally corrected.
Oh, you had it right the first time. That man wouldn’t let you be in charge all the time. He would challenge you.
Bully her was more like it. A man that gorgeous was used to getting his way.
But if it meant she would get out of this ticket, she could flirt a little.
He shook his head and sighed. “Unfortunately, you’re also known for your lead foot. License and registration.”
She bit back a growl because her first day in the new town wasn’t going the way she’d hoped.
I’m ashamed to admit this is the first book I have read by Lexi Blake and I now know why my best friend has been telling me for years that this was an author I needed to read.......
This book ticked all my boxes, it’s a story with all the feels and it has characters you will adore, oh and let’s not forget you will be captivated from the first page to the last line.Butterfly Bayou is book 1 in the new series and if this book is anything to go by this author will certainly have a hit on her hands. This story is set in the Bayou town of Papillon, Louisiana also know as Butterfly Bayou and I have to say Ms Blake did a wonderful job describing the area.
Nurse Practitioner Lila Daley has just moved to town and she is struggling to fit in with the local residents, she is ruffling more feathers than she is treating patients so her sister Lisa steps in to try and ease her in to quirky community. Armie is the local sheriff and he also try’s to help Lila settle in but the problem is Lila has no filter on her mouth and that upsets people...
Armie has tried his best but it’s his adorable daughter Noelle who really breaks through and finds the real Lila when she approaches the nurse for advice on a subject she can’t talk to her father about.
This book has the perfect mix of love, drama and humour and I think it will appeal to a wide range of romance readers. Looking forward to book 2 in the series.
Lexi Blake is off to a good start with her latest series based in Papillon, Louisiana also known as Butterfly Bayou. Her writing was descriptive and I could easily imagine myself in the Bayou particularly since it is an area that I would love to visit.
I had a hard time warming to nurse practitioner Lila Daley initially. I know she had just been through a traumatic event which had almost cost her everything, but it wasn’t just that. She appeared standoffish and judgmental and I couldn’t picture her living successfully in the little town on the bayou. Single dad and Sheriff Armie LaVigne was easier to relate too.
Fitting into the quirky community without ruffling feathers is going to be difficult, but her sister Lisa is there to lend a hand and if only she would let him, so would Armie and his adorable and sassy daughter Noelle. There were times that my heart just about broke for all that Lila, Armie and Noelle have been through .The relationship between Armie and Noelle was heartwarming and I loved their interaction and obvious love for one another.
I found myself frustrated by both Lila and Armie’s behaviour on numerous occasion and wanted to yell at them both. However although it was a very rocky road, I was cheering when they finally got the happily ever after that they both deserved.
Of course the appearance of Otis the alligator led to some humorous moments throughout the story, the quirkiness of Papillon and the people who call it home added to my overall enjoyment of Butterfly Bayou and I can’t wait to learn more about Zep Guidry in particular.
Although this is not my most favourite book from Lexi Blake, it has certainly whetted my appetite for what’s to come on the bayou and I am excited to read the next book in the series.
What a beautiful introduction to a new series!
I loved reading every page of Butterfly Bayou.
Lila Daley wasn't brought up in the best of circumstances and had to grow up way too fast. Now that she's grown and all of her siblings are adults, she's made a name for herself as a nurse practitioner in Dallas. When a tragic event happens that changes her life, she moves away to a little town called Papillon. Lila never expected to find an alligator blocking her path on her way into town and when fear sets in she takes off as quick as she can to hopefully escape the gator, who apparently is named Otis. Except fate has other plans for Lila and she gets pulled over for speeding.
Armaund LaVigne (aka Armie) is the Sheriff of Papillon Parish and when he sees someone driving thirty miles an hour over the speed limit he doesn't pass up the opportunity to pull the person over. Armie never expected to find the woman who he hasn't been able to get out of his head for the past few months to be the driver.
Lila finds it difficult settling into Papillon and when she sees a patient that reminds her of friend Maryanne she knows she needs to do everything to save this woman.
The events that unfold during this book will keep you on the edge of your seat. Noelle, Armie's daughter, is one fantastic character who I just fell in love with while reading this book. I love the banter between the three characters and even all the sub-characters.
From start to finish this book is fantastic and I can't recommend it enough!
About Lexi Blake

New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. Since starting her publishing journey in 2010, she’s sold over three million copies of her books. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings.
Connect with Lexi
Facebook: http://bit.ly/339Svf9
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2JGwnBn
Instagram: http://bit.ly/36oVxOP
Website: https://www.lexiblake.net
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